D.VA’s hygiene and safety standards are detailed below and provide future and existing members of D.VA’s growing family of satisfied clients with the conditions under which any of D.VA Phace By Esquire’s services are executed. Concerns, objections, and questions may be submitted to our team via email at d.va.face@gmail.com.


The health and safety of our clients and associates are our highest priority. Therefore, our hygiene standards were developed and (are executed ) based on guidance from federal, state, and local authorities and are listed below.

  • D.VA associates and clients are required to properly wash and sanitize their hands prior to service delivery. 

  • Kit materials such as brushes, sponges, and other tools branded as being “multi-use”  are thoroughly sanitized before and after each use.

  • Kit materials such as brushes, sponges, and other tools branded as being “single-use” are properly disposed of after each use.

  • Multi-use Liquid and powder-based products are properly stored at their respective temperatures.

  • Single-use liquid and powder-based products are appropriately disposed of after each use.


The health and safety of our clients and associates are our highest priority. Therefore, our safety standards were developed and (are executed ) based on guidance from federal, state, and local authorities and are listed below.

  • Health and safety prescreen questions for D.VA associates and clients before the service begins, as guided by local ordinance.

  • Personal Protective Equipment, including gloves and face masks, where required by the local ordinance, will be worn by D.VA associates during all services.


The health and safety of our clients and associates are our highest priority. Therefore, D.VA by Esquire reserves the right to refuse and reschedule appointments during any instance when:

  • Associates or clients report having flu-like symptoms, including sneezing, coughing, or a high temperature, or if either party has been exposed to someone with cold or flu-like symptoms in the last ten days. 

  • There is a risk that conditions, medications, allergies, contraindications, procedures, or sensitivities may affect the administration of the client’s service or the client’s body’s reaction to the services.